What is Apply Idaho?
Each year, more than 12,000 Idaho seniors apply for free to 10 in-state public colleges and universities through Idaho’s online college application platform. Learn more about applying by following the step-by-step guide below.
Before You Apply
Step 1 - Check out Colleges
Review your Idaho Campus Choice letter and learn more about your options.
- Check out your Idaho Campus Choice letter to discover the colleges where you are already guaranteed acceptance.
- Use the Next Steps Idaho Colleges & University Directory to learn more about the schools listed on your letter.
- Talk with a trusted adult about the schools you feel are the best fit for you.
- We recommend narrowing your choices to three schools: a safety school, a target school, and a reach school.
- When you’re ready to start applying, move on to the next step.
Step 2 - Gather Materials
Get a head start by collecting this information before you begin the Apply Idaho application.
- EDUID (ask your counselor if you do not know it)
- Personal (non-school) email address
- Social Security Number (not required, but you are strongly encouraged to include it for financial aid purposes)
- Permanent and mailing address
- High School graduation month and year
- College start date (most students start in the Fall)
Step 3 - Create Your Apply Idaho Account
Creating an account is easy and should only take a few minutes.
- First, you will need to provide basic information about yourself, including your legal first and last name, EDUID, date of birth, and a preferred and alternative phone number. Be sure to use your legal name as it appears on official school documents and standardized test. This will make sure we can connect you to your high school grades and test scores.
- Next, you will also need to provide a personal (non-school) email address and create a password.
- Finally, check the box to agree to the terms and conditions.
Counselor Tip
Colleges and universities may need to get in touch with you during the application process.
Use an email address that you check regularly. DO NOT use your high school email address.
Step 4 - Verify Your Email Address
Verify your email to guarantee that colleges will be able to contact you.
Note: While you do not have to verify your email to submit your application, we recommend doing so to make sure that colleges have your correct contact information.
- Login to the email you used to create your account and look for an email from ApplyIdaho@osbe.idaho.gov
- Click on the verification link in that email.
Counselor Tips
- Don’t see the email – check your SPAM folder.
- Make sure to click on the verification link, do not respond to the sender.
Application Guide
Page 1 - Profile
A bit about you
Personal Information
We will need basic information about you like your preferred name (you can use your nickname here), your Social Security Number, citizenship, etc.
You can also update your phone number(s) and email address if you typed them incorrectly on the account setup page.

Address Information
Type in your permanent address (the place at which you normally reside, receive mail, and which you call home).
If you receive mail at a different location, make sure to fill that out so colleges and universities can send you correspondence like your acceptance letter as well as information on registration and housing.
Watch out if you use autofill and make sure the correct information is listed on this page.

Housing Plans
Indicate where you are hoping to live your first year at college.
If you are not sure yet, use your best guess! This is used for planning purposes and it’s not an official housing application.
Note: College of Eastern Idaho and College of Western Idaho do not have on-campus residence living.
Note: If you are interested in joining a fraternity/sorority at the University of Idaho they are considered on-campus residence living.

Pages 2 & 3 - Education and Family
Tell us about your high school and share information about your parent/guardian.
High School Name, Graduation Date, and College Start Date
First, select your High School, and then select the expected month and year you are graduating (ask your counselor if you do not know).
Finally, select the semester and year you plan to start college. Most students start in the Fall.

Grades and Tests
Review your High School GPA and ACT/SAT Test Score information.
- Check the box if you feel like your state-reported GPA or test score is incorrect.
- Check the box if you do not want the college and universities to receive your test scores.
NOTE: If you check one of the boxes to indicate your state reported data is incorrect you will receive instructions on how to update that information with your selected colleges and universities on your application confirmation page as well as in your confirmation email.

Parent/Guardian Info
Provide the phone number, name, email address, and mailing address of your parent/guardian.

Education Level and Military Service
Indicate the highest level of education received by a parent/guardian.
If a parent/guardian has received a technical certificate, Associate’s degree, or Bachelor’s degree or higher, select any Idaho institutions a parent or guardian graduated from.
Indicate the military service of a parent/guardian.

Pages 4 & 5 - Institutions, Majors & Supplemental Questions
It's time to build your college list!
Get the process started by searching for a major.
- The system will highlight any of the schools that offer that major
- You can type in Undecided if you are unsure or don’t want to decide yet.

Click on the schools that you are interested in, review the matching majors, and once you have decided on one, select “add.”
- You can only add one major per school.
- If you are applying to more than one school, make sure to select a major at each school you are interested in attending.
- Make sure to review the list of majors and institutions you’ve selected, and once you are satisfied with your choices click NEXT.

Institution-specific supplemental questions.
- While the majority of these questions are optional, we encourage you to complete them as schools use them to match you to resources such as housing and scholarships.
- Depending on your GPA and the institutions you are applying to, there may be some questions you must answer before you can submit your application.
- You can find specific information about each college’s individual writing prompts, as well as additional information you may need to provide about your parent/legal guardian here.

Page 6 - Application Summary
Review your information before officially submitting your Apply Idaho application!
Profile, Education, and Family
- If you did not include your Social Security Number (SSN) you will see a warning. Don’t worry – you can still submit your application.
- For Education and Family, if you see anything other than COMPLETE you need to go back and make the required updates before you can submit your application.

Institutions/Majors and Supplemental Questions
- Make sure the Institution/Majors section shows COMPLETE, otherwise you will need to go back and add a major on page four.
- Depending on your GPA and the institutions you are applying to, there may be some additional questions you must answer before you can submit your application.
- If you did not answer the supplemental questions on page five, you will see a warning. We strongly encourage you to respond to the supplemental questions as schools use them to match you to resources such as housing and scholarships.

Email Confirmation
If you did not confirm your email address earlier, you will be reminded to confirm the email address you used to create your Apply Idaho application. We recommend verifying your email to make sure that colleges have your correct contact information.

Final Step - Officially Submit your Apply Idaho Application
Congrats! It is time to submit your college application(s).
Submit Your Application
Once you’re reviewed your application summary page and you are ready to submit your application, navigate up to the top of the page and hit the “Submit” button.
Reminder: If you come back to edit your application or add another application to your record, you’ll need to be sure to come back to the Application Summary page and click on the “Resubmit” button.

Contact Institutions Popup
If you checked the box to indicate your GPA and/or College Entrance Exam score provided by the state doesn’t match your actual score, then this popup box will appear.
Make sure to take a screenshot so you know how to provide the college(s) you applied to your correct scores.

Your Application Has Officially Been Submitted!
An application confirmation page will appear once you’ve successfully submitted your application. You will also receive a confirmation email in your inbox (check your SPAM folder if you don’t see it).
Important: Now that you’ve applied to college, take the next step and apply for state-funded scholarships and grants, like the Idaho Opportunity Scholarship and Idaho Launch, by clicking the “Apply for Scholarships” button.

Double Check Your Application Status
Log back into your Apply Idaho account to confirm your application(s) have been successfully submitted and check to see when the college(s) you’ve applied to receive it.

Get ready to begin your journey
Walk through the application before you apply. You will see each page of the application and learn tips for every step.
General Answers
Need help getting your application to the finish line? Check out these helpful topics and if you still have questions, reach out to ApplyIdaho@OSBE.Idaho.gov
Apply Idaho opens each year on Oct 3 and closes on June 30
To meet the application deadline, you must submit your application materials by 11:59 pm June 30. Keep in mind, all timestamps are recorded in MST (US Mountain Standard Time).
It is always better to submit well before 11:59 pm to avoid last minute issues with your computer or internet access that might cause you to miss the deadline!
Who can use Apply Idaho?
Currently Apply Idaho is only open to Idaho High School Seniors enrolled in an Idaho public high school or charter school, Idaho Homeschool students and to Idaho Private School students whose schools have elected to participate in this state sponsored application
What is my EDUID?
- For many students this is your identification number provided by your high school. If it is not, ask the staff at your high school.
- If you’re an Idaho homeschool student who has taken a class at an Idaho public or charter school, reach out to them for assistance. If you’ve not taken a class at an Idaho public or charter school you can request an EDUID from the Idaho State Board of Education by emailing applyidaho@osbe.idaho.gov
Why do you need my EDUID?
Apply Idaho uses your EDUID as your unique student identifier so that when institutions receive your application(s) they know it represents one unique student – YOU!
Is there a cost for me to apply?
There will be no cost for students using this Apply Idaho feature. You may still apply from a college or university website. There may be a fee to apply from a college or university website.
What if I cannot remember my password?
If you need to reset your password, just hit Forgot password on the Login page and it will walk you through the process of resetting your password.
Account Confirmation
I haven’t received my confirmation email?
- Double check you’re using your PERSONAL email, not one provided by the school. School accounts often block external emails.
- SPAM filters & typing errors are also racking up some casualties. So, check your SPAM folder and double-check you entered your email address correctly into Apply Idaho.
- Make sure your email account isn’t full. Has it exceeded the storage limit for the mailbox error; undeliverable? If so, then make sure their accounts have enough memory/space to accept new messages
How long is a verification email active?
A verification email remains active for 24 hours. If you haven’t clicked on the verification link within that timeframe you will need to request a new one.
Idaho Campus Choice Letters
What if I am a senior who transferred from out of state?
While you might have missed out on receiving your Idaho Campus Choice letter in the mail, you can view it once you have created your Apply Idaho account.
Can I only apply to the colleges listed on my Idaho Campus Choice letter?
You can apply to any colleges listed in Apply Idaho but be aware that if you apply to a college not listed on your Idaho Campus Choice letter you will need to meet additional admissions requirements.
How do I indicate that I am enrolled in multiple tribes?
If you are enrolled in multiple tribes, please select your primary tribe from the list in the “Please choose the tribe you are enrolled in” question.
What does “US dual citizen” mean?
When selecting U.S. Dual Citizen, it implies that you are a citizen of the United States and another country.
What if I don’t have a social security number?
If you do not have a Social Security Number (SSN), you do not need to enter anything in the Social Security Number field (it is not required). This field refers to U.S. citizens only.
What if my unweighted GPA is not showing up correctly on the Education page?
If your unweighted GPA is not correct, make sure to check the box that lets us know. You will receive specific institution instructions on how to provide them with your updated unweighed GPA on your confirmation page as well as in your confirmation email.
What if my test scores are not showing up correctly on the Education page?
If your test scores are not correct, make sure to check the box that lets us know. You will receive specific institution instructions on how to provide them with your updated test scores on your confirmation page as well as in your confirmation email.
College Selection
How do I add a college to my application?
- From page #4 click on Select Institutions/Majors
- The schools with that major will highlight in yellow.
- Check the box in front of one of the schools you’re interested in applying to and a list of majors will pop up.
- In the Results List, click on the add button for ONE major.
- Repeat these steps until you’ve selected a major from each school you’re interested in applying to.
- When done, double check the Selected Institutions/Majors section is correct before proceeding to the next step.
How many colleges can I apply to?
You are not limited to the number of colleges you can apply to within Apply Idaho, but a best practice would be to select a safe school, target school, and reach school.
Can I add a college or university at a later time?
Yes, you may submit your application to another college or university. You will need to update your application and hit the submit/resubmit button to complete this process.
Supplemental Questions
Is there a limit to the number of edits I can make to the supplemental questions once I've submitted an application?
- There are no limits to the number of edits you can make, but please keep in mind the more times you edit your application(s) the longer it will take for the institution(s) to make an admission decision on your behalf.
- REMINDER– You MUST RESUBMIT your application(s) after you edit your answers.
What is the min/max word count on supplemental essay questions?
Keep in mind the maximum word count for any supplemental essay question is 2000 characters including spaces and punctuation. Anything longer than that will truncate your response.
What are some best practices for completing supplemental essays in Apply Idaho?
- Keep a file on your computer with a backup of your essays
- If you are pasting your essay into the Apply Idaho, paste it first into Note Pad or Text Edit, and then paste it into Apply Idaho to avoid formatting irregularities
- Always double check that the content appears correctly and, in its entirety,
- Be sure to proofread your essays for any typos
- There is no save button – so anything you type is saved – but it’s not automatically submitted so make sure to click on the submit button after reviewing your application.
What data will be sent to the colleges and universities I apply to?
In addition to the questions, you answer during the application process, the system will be sending the institutions your High School, Dual Credit, ACT, and SAT data as reported to the state. This data will only be provided to the colleges and institutions you apply to.
If you opt to withhold your test scores, that information (ACT and/or SAT) will not be sent to the colleges and institutions you apply to.
Can I stop the process of applying and return to complete the required information later?
Yes, you have the option to return to your account and complete your application. However, once you have hit the “submit” button your application will be sent to your institution of choice.
What do I do if I change my mind and want to change or eliminate one of my college/university choices?
You can add a new college/university and intended major at anytime, but you can only remove a selected institution if that institution has not yet processed your application.
Note: Any changes made to the list of Intended Majors and Institutions will require that the application be resubmitted.
System Requirements
What are the system requirements to use Apply Idaho?
- PC (Windows version 10 or version 8.1)
- Mac (OS version 10.14 or higher)
- Email: if your email offers a list of allowed addresses, please add the following: applyidaho@osbe.idaho.gov